Armored Trooper Votoms with Tim Eldred
Hoptimus is joined by Tim Eldred who was one of the pivotal early american comic book artists that had an anime background. Tim's work in comics include Robotech, Captain Harlock,Starblazers and Votoms! Tim Eldred is pretty much directly responsible for Armored Trooper Votoms coming from Japan to the USA via the now defunct Central Park Media. Hoptimus and Tim get into the story and themes of Votoms and the nuances of early anime fandom. Votoms is currently available on Blu Ray from MaidenJapan via Sentaifilmworks. Check out TIM ELDRED’s ART VAULT located at
Twitter: RuminationsRadioNetwork@RuminationsN
Music and Production by Mitch Proctor
#anime #votoms #comicbooks #scifi #mecha #rumiationsradionetwork #retrofuturism